C documents and settings localservice application data microsoft protect
No replies. Has code. All languages. Sort : Relevance. Found threads. Archived Forums. Windows Vista Security. I see the Where is Application Data Archived Forums. Windows 7 Installation, Setup, and Deployment. For Windows Protect the Excel Data Archived Forums. Answered 4 Replies Views Created by Satyanarayna. Vatturi - Thursday, September 23, PM. Windows 7 User Interface. I'm trying to move a Microsoft game from one computer to a computer locted at a nother geographic location. Both are Windows 7 and the program is istalled in the Where is the data?
I already did the promotion thing. My question is more basic; let me rephrase: Where do I click in SharePoint to see or export the Windows 7 Security. In fact, Application Data folder is not an actual folder. It is a Junction Point for backward compatibility.
To help you understand the Windows Server General Forum. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :.
Cancel Submit. That's because it's a Junction Point, not a Folder. Why are you trying to access it? How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.
In reply to A. User's post on January 23, Thanks for your response to the above question, however, although information is provided in a very general fashion, it DID NOT answer the question: How do I access the "Documents and Settings" or, if all my information, based upon your response, is stored under my username under the "Users" folder, how do I access ANY of those folders to delete, rename, or clear data from THOSE folders?
Darian Tab Microsoft Agent. The permissions consist of the following permissions:. Select the Reset Permissions on all Child objects and enable propagation of inheritable permissions check box. The administrator doesn't have full control on child objects to protect a user's private part of the key pair.
But the administrator can still delete certificates for a user. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.