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These brc food safety training slides have been developed and are also being used by our food system consultants while conducting corporate training sessions at various client organizations including multinational companies. We have conducted numerous BRC audit training sessions with the help of these brc food safety and food hygiene training slides.

Our all ppt presentation slides and participants handout is in editable. The food safety standard auditor training ppt presentation kit can be used to educate management, employees, contractors, vendors or other groups for online brc audit training.

It is mandatory for the certified companies to upgrade their existing system during their surveillance or re-certification audits over a period of 3 years. Our documentation package is a complete ISO revised docume. Our documentation package is a complete ISO revised document toolkit, which is designed to help manufacturing units move forward at a much faster pace.

In the past years, most of them have got certified in their very first attempt. Global Manager Group has a highly experienced team of ISO consultants having a rich experience of consultancy for successful certification of more than clients. The complete set of ISO documents package is designed on the basis of the best quality manufacturing practices and processes approach.

The ISO certification documents that we provide can be used effectively for the establishment of QMS with a risk-based approach to minimize the risk. Our package provides benefits in two ways.

They are competitively priced as well as they meet the entire requirements of the ISO standard. Further, we provide the package in. Also, we provide multiple document templates in our package, from which a client can select the template of his choice. Information on ISO documentation requirements for quick certification with the complete list of more than document templates are included in ISO Documented Information package designed by Global Manager Group.

The document package on ISO will help users to address a wide range of environmental issues and make the b. The document package on ISO will help users to address a wide range of environmental issues and make the best EMS system as per the revised ISO requirements. Our documents are in an easily editable MS-Word format. The ISO consulting team of GMG was studying the revised ISO standard since the release of its first draft, and after an in-depth study of the revised standard, it has prepared total document templates for clients.

They can purchase our new revised copy of ISO documents and upgrade their existing environmental management system. The ISO certification documents provided by us can be used very effectively for educating vendors, employees, service providers and management groups for the establishment of EMS. Our ready-to-use product gives full value for money.

The Free Demo given on this page can be downloaded to get a full idea of our package. For establishing good OHSAS system, appropriate documentation and process for workplace safety are primary requirements. Our editable OHSAS documents in more than editable files address all the elements of occupational, health and safety management system.

Our packages are competitively priced. Our OHSAS documents package can be easily downloaded by the users and it is easy to edit all the documents. Information on ISMS Information Security Management System and implementation procedures on information security related controls are necessary to implement the system. A globally reputed team of consultants and trainers have prepared our ISO documents.

The organizations willing for ISMS, i. ISO certification. ISO certification, are always in search of ready-made documentation to save time. Our documents are more focused on asset and risk management. Hence, they include a sample risk assessment template. They have rich experience in information technology, security techniques, and ISMS. Our editable ISMS documentation includes:.

The ISO documents that we provide can be effectively used to educate vendors, employees, and other stakeholders. After successful implementation of the system, accredited certifying body auditors conduct the ISO certification audit. We offer training presentation slides on 5 S lean manufacturing Japanese Techniques. Our 5S Lean documentations, 5S Lean Manufacturing ppt and Lean Management training presentation slides have been developed for providing training and presentation material for maintaining a more organized, efficient, safe, and profitable production floor as well as office areas with the help of 5S techniques.

With the help of 5S lean manufacturing ppt training presentation on 5S management system course, employees will learn the fundamental concepts of the 5S techniques that will improve quality and productivi.

With the help of 5S lean manufacturing ppt training presentation on 5S management system course, employees will learn the fundamental concepts of the 5S techniques that will improve quality and productivity.

The training includes step-by-step guidelines for achieving the 5S as well as a road-map to implement 5S throughout the entire organization. This training presentation is being used by our ISO consultants while conducting corporate training sessions at various client organizations to establish 5S lean manufacturing techniques and can prepare own 5S software.

Our 5S ppt training presentation offers a cost-effective approach for enhancing safety, quality, and the work environment by five S lean manufacturing system. These presentation materials can be used to educate management, employees, contractors or other groups.

Our packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs. The Six Sigma training ppt presentation is a useful guide and training material to train the employees for Lean Six Sigma Certification, presented by Global Manager Group. To determine the content and framework, develop the materials, and roll out that framework to the company are only half of the necessary work. The other half is changing the organizational culture with the help of Six Sigma training and meeting Six Sigma requirements.

It is, therefore, necessary to provide Six Sigma training to all staff members. The lean Six Sigma knowledge becomes need of the time to continually sharpen as well as upgrade the skill of all the employees and deploy Six Sigma cultures in any organization. However, it can be achieved by ongoing training with the help of this Lean Six Sigma training material to establish system that meets the Six Sigma certification requirements.

With the help of our Six Sigma ppt presentation slides, employees will effectively learn the fundamental concepts. The lean Six Sigma Training can be used to educate management students, employees or other groups as a cost effective tool for Six Sigma lean deployments.

Our Six Sigma training packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs. The strategic planning and goal setting can move your organization to world class performance. We offer strategic management planning ppt training presentation slides on strategic planning and goal setting.

What is strategic management? In our presentation step by step implementation approach for strategic planning, strategic techniques, strategic planning management , goal setting and establishing key result areas are described. Leaders in each area look to a strategic plan for guidance in goal setting for their part of an organization.

It is advisable to have at least some general ideas. It is advisable to have at least some general ideas of where you want to take it and what is a desirable direction.

In developing business plans and doing strategic planning, goal setting and establishing key performance areas some very basic questions like what is strategic management needs to be answered:. These strategic planning and goal setting strategic planning ppt presentation can be used to educate management, employees or other groups for strategic management, goal setting and key performance areas.

Our strategic planning ppt training packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs. Information on Test laboratory accreditation - ISO documents with the complete list of more than editable files are provided in demo.

The editable documents are addressing the requirements for establishing the best laboratory system with good laboratory practices and are prepared based on the rich experience of our consultant for calibration and test laboratory accreditation.

The document toolkit is designed to address a wide range of quality related issues including and take care of all complex issues for any type of testing done in the testing laboratories. Our consulting team has. Global Manager Group has globally reputed experienced team of consultants having rich experience in quality management system for laboratories and test laboratory accreditation.

The organizations going for ISO accreditation are always in search of readymade documentation to save time. The user can modify the templates as per their test laboratory working system and create their own documents much faster and total documents are in word and easily editable.

The British Retail Consortium Lead trade association for retail industry in UK has released issue 6 of revised BRC packaging iop standard in for packaging industry to establish hygiene practices and food safety from packaging and packaging material industry.

By implementing BRC packaging standard companies can get confidence, credibility, consistency, competence and continual improvement in cost effective manner. Our BRC Packaging Standard auditor training presentation ppt slides are useful to the companies who are attempting to train all the employees on food safety management system as per BRC Packaging standard Issue 6. It is a management tool used to protect the food supply chain in packaging industry and production process against microbiological, chemical and other physical hazards contamination from the packaging.

We have conducted numerous successful training sessions with the help of these training slides. First time in the globe we had prepared and made available such BRC packaging training presentation kit after release of BRC Issue 6 standard.

Implementation of this course will cost-effectively help organizations to address the training on requirements of the BRC iop packaging standard released in August Issue-6 as well as establish food safety system in Packaging material manufacturing industry in USA.

This presentation kit can be used to educate management students, employees, contractors, vendors or other groups on BRC-packaging standards. Our packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs for establishment of food safety management system to meet BRC requirements. We offer revised BRC-packaging issue 6 complete training presentation kit for packaging companies.

All accredited laboratories need to prepare documentation to follow standard guidelines for maintaining a Quality System in a calibration laboratory. Our packages are competitively priced and meet all requirements of the calibration lab accr.

Our packages are competitively priced and meet all requirements of the calibration lab accreditation. The iso manual given in this document kit is conforming to accreditation procedures in the calibration laboratory. By using these quality documents, over 30 calibration laboratories globally are already accredited. Total documentation kit for calibration lab accreditation also includes SOP, work instruction, quality policy and sample formats for quick accreditation application.

The complete set of Calibration lab accreditation documentation kit is designed based on good quality laboratory practices. GMG is also offering ISO and ISO certification consultancy for the implementation of integrated quality and environment management systems.

The editable EQMS documents are designed by the experienced team of a consultant by spending more than hours in document preparation. The British retail consortium Lead trade association for the retail industry in the UK has revised the BRC food standard as BRC food Issue 8 in August for the food industry to establish hygiene practices and food safety. The user can easily modify the given issue 8 documentation templates as per their company working system and create their own brc food safety documents for their company.

This BRC Issue 8 documentation kit is based on good food safety, hygiene, and sanitation practices and covers all the changes in requirements of issue 8, which helps the user in improving food safety working and management systems. From 1st February it will be mandatory for all the food organizations that have brc issue 8 certification, they must have to upgrade to Issue 8.

Also, any new client implementing the system now needs to upgrade the system and after 1st July all the new audits will be as per issue 8 only. As the documents are completely editable in. In this new revised BRC standard two new Fundamental clauses on Labeling control and supplier management is included, More emphasis is given on traceability, authenticity, Extended risk zone concept, customer requirements and communication are the newly added requirements in the standards and accordingly better food system needs to be documented and implemented by the companies to complete BRC issue 8 certification.

The British retail consortium Lead trade association for the retail industry in the UK has released issue 6 of revised BRC packaging standard for the packaging industry to improve their hygiene pr. The British retail consortium Lead trade association for the retail industry in the UK has released issue 6 of revised BRC packaging standard for the packaging industry to improve their hygiene practices and food safety.

Our document kit is based on good food safety, hygiene and sanitation practices with easy to modify templates and gives a readymade solution for improving food safety working system as well as fast BRC certification and save a lot of time as well as money. Global Manager Group has globally reputed experienced team of consultants having rich experience in packaging food safety management system.

The complete set of brc packaging documentation kit is designed based on good packaging food safety management practices. The BRC packaging certification documents provided by us can be used very effectively for educating vendors, employees, management and food safety groups for the establishment of packaging food safety management systems and it can be downloaded by the user in a word and excel file and is easy to edit.

Hence the total IATF documents are in. Our packages are competitively priced and meet the requirements of IATF for automotive production and relevant service part organization or equipment manufacturing companies. Quality documents cover IATF manual, procedures, process, process flow chart, exhibit, plan, work instruction, sample forms and as well as audit checklists. Global Manager Group has a globally reputed experienced team of consultants having rich experience in the Quality management system.

The complete set of IATF documentation kit is designed based on good Quality management practices. The IATF documents provided by us can be used very effectively for educating vendors, employees, and management groups for the establishment of the best management system and it can be downloaded by the user in a word file and is easy to edit. This standard is applicable to the company engaged in the manufacturing of the company and supplying the products to OEMs.

The company engaged in the supply of products to the replacement market is not covered by this standard. The CE marking is a European proof of conformity and is also described as "passport" that allows manufacturers and exporters to enter products freely within the EU. Many clients are already achieved CE Mark for their products using our document kit and sample CE Mark technical file. The user can modify the templates as per their products and create CE - Mark documents for their organization based on European Union requirements.

Our sample CE technical file packages are competitively priced and effectively meet the global customer needs for product certification. The letters, "CE" -- French for "Conformity Europeans," indicate that the manufacturer has satisfied all assessment procedures specified by law for its product.

Global Manager Group has globally reputed team of consultants having rich experience in preparation of sample technical file for CE certification. The user can modify the templates as per their company working system and create their own CE technical file for their product much faster and total documents are in word and easily editable.

Globally used TPM training presentation kit is designed by Global Manager Group, with guidance of professional management training consultants. Total productive maintenance training ppt presentation to enhance change in the culture and working style is a n. Total productive maintenance training ppt presentation to enhance change in the culture and working style is a need of time. It has become necessary to provide training to all and our TPM presentation helps you to modify and shape a total productive maintenance culture.

Use these presentation materials to educate management, employees or other groups as effective tool to implement TPM Practices. Our tpm training ppt slide packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs and many customers have used and implemented TPM system based on our presentation kit to establish lean manufacturing. The Kaizen training ppt - Continuous Process Improvements presentation Kit is a useful training material and guide presented by Leading Management training consultant Global Manager Group.

What is Kaizen? This Kaizen training kit helps to understand and describe the methodology to bring continuous improvement in a company. This competitive market requires fast changing industry conditions for any company and in such environment continuous improvement in overall activity of the organi.

This competitive market requires fast changing industry conditions for any company and in such environment continuous improvement in overall activity of the organization is the only way and same can be achieved by implementation of kaizen continuous improvement in the production and quality areas of organization. The Kaizen ppt presentation slides provided by Global Manager Group educates employees through effective kaizen tools and methods for implementation of kaizen. The SMAIC Mode l with graphical presentation, pdf, document and score sheet is described to see an overall organization performance, steps for how to implement the kaizen as well as what is kaizen.

Global Manager Group — Kanban certification training consultant provides Kanban training power point presentation. In addition, attendees will see the concepts in practice in repetitive and non-repetitive, as well as seasonal demand applications. Participants will learn to set-up point. Participants will learn to set-up point-of-use material storage, interface pull systems with existing planning systems, and set lot sizes based on capacity, not economic order quantity theory.

Global Manager Group — Employee Motivational Training consultant provides Employee Motivation Training power point ppt presentation which covers detailed description of what goals and benefits of motivation, how motivation affects behavior, human relations and performance, motivation process and different theories related to motivation etc along with use of models and graphical presentation.

In any organization employee has become key factor and motivated employee is asset for any organization. To establish vibrant organization with motivated employees our Employee Motivation Training Presentation kit is a very good employees motivation tool for any company. It covers how to create work place motivation strategies using personal check and exercises for that describe in creative manner, motivating and leading people, roles and responsibilities, most power-full tools describe in detail.

Our employee motivation training ppt slides, pdf documents, software offers a cost-effective approach for enhancing employees performance, quality, and the work environment. Employee motivation training Presentation of Global Manager Group provides clear and measurable bottom-line results, so use these presentation materials to educate management, employees, contractors or other groups.

Goal setting can move your organization to world class performance based working organization. If we make key performance targets for each and every individual and linked it to performance based appraisal then it makes vibrant result oriented work culture. So keeping this in mind we offer employee appraisal system training presentation on goal setting, key performance areas and performance appraisal system.

Global Manager Group — corporate training consultant provides performance based employee appraisal system training power point presentation which includes step by step implementation. Global Manager Group — corporate training consultant provides performance based employee appraisal system training power point presentation which includes step by step implementation approach for goal setting and making performance based appraisal system with few sample templates is provided.

It is advisable to have Key performance result areas and key performance indicators system - kpis for effective and efficient organization. Use these KRA and performance appraisal presentation materials to create ppt slides, pdf, software, documents and to educate management, employees or other groups for goal setting, key performance areas and making performance based appraisal system.

Our Employee Appraisal System Training Presentation packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs. Global Manager Group offers Poka Yoke mistake proofing PowerPoint training PPT slide show presentation for those who want to quickly and efficiently learn how to implement Poka Yoke based mistake proofing system.

It is a process to avoid inadvertent errors in the company and make mistake proofing culture in the organization. It is the methodology used to strive towards zero defect work culture by designing devices. Global Manager Group — poka yoke training consultant provides Poke Yoke training ppt presentation slides which is also being used by them while conducting corporate training s.

Global Manager Group — poka yoke training consultant provides Poke Yoke training ppt presentation slides which is also being used by them while conducting corporate training sessions for Poke-a-Yoke system at various client organizations including mufti-national companies. Use these poka yoke internal quality auditor training presentation materials to create poka yoke ppts, pdf, software and to train your team for Poke a Yoke system and make mistake proofing lean manufacturing environment.

Our Poke a Yoke ppt Training Presentation packages are competitively priced and meet the global customer needs. The ISO Manual is designed to implement best Environmental management system as well as accelerate documentation process.

Our package is a very good tool for preparing ISO manual for environmental system for the first time or upgrading your existing system for ISO revised standard, released in September The revised documentation kit of ISO Manual Documents is prepared to meet new environmental system requirements, and it includes environmental policy, EMS objectives, scope, identified environmental issues, etc. Our ISO Manual Documents kit, which covers environmental manual for environmental system certification, is very useful for those clients who are interested in purchasing partial contents of ISO Documentation kit.

This ready-to-use ISO manual will save your time in preparation of the manual for your company. Our consultants are already using it for implementation of environmental management system for clients. The users of our ISO manual can modify the templates as per their industry requirements and create own environmental management system manual for their organization.

ISO - Sterilization of Health care Products Package provides methods for testing systems containing viable microorganisms providing a defined resistance to a specified sterilization process. The biological indicators sterilization processes supported in the ISO - Sterilization of Health care Products Package includes ethylene oxide, moist heat, dry heat, low-temperature steam and formaldehyde.

Your Alert Profile lists the documents that will be monitored. If the document is revised or amended, you will be notified by email. You may delete a document from your Alert Profile at any time.


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