Asp net web project file types
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Expertise in. NET Technologies. NET C. Visual Studio. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. NET Site Navigation. NET Themes and Skins. IDC has been deprecated because it does not provide enough security for data connections.
IIS 6. If a file type is mapped to an application extension, it does not need to be included in the MIME types list unless you want the file to be treated like a static file. Typically, ASP. NET source code file types should not be in the MIME types list because that might allow browsers to view the source code.
Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Note IDC has been deprecated because it does not provide enough security for data connections. In this article. A Web user control file that defines a custom, reusable control. A handler file used to manage Web site administration requests, typically Trace. A browser definition file used to identify the features of client browsers. A class diagram file.
A project file for a Visual Studio client-application project. A master page that defines the layout for other Web pages in the application. An Access database file. A remoting handler file. At the end of the markup, code displays a confirmation message that the file was deleted. Enter the name of the file to delete and then click Submit. If the file was deleted, the name of the file is displayed at the bottom of the page. The FileUpload helper lets users upload files to your website.
The procedure below shows you how to let users upload a single file. Add the ASP. The body portion of the page uses the FileUpload helper to create the upload box and buttons that you're probably familiar with:. The properties that you set for the FileUpload helper specify that you want a single box for the file to upload and that you want the submit button to read Upload.
You'll add more boxes later in the article. When the user clicks Upload , the code at the top of the page gets the file and saves it. The Request object that you normally use to get values from form fields also has a Files array that contains the file or files that have been uploaded. You can get individual files out of specific positions in the array — for example, to get the first uploaded file, you get Request. Files[0] , to get the second file, you get Request. Files[1] , and so on.
Remember that in programming, counting usually starts at zero. When you fetch an uploaded file, you put it in a variable here, uploadedFile so that you can manipulate it. To determine the name of the uploaded file, you just get its FileName property. However, when the user uploads a file, FileName contains the user's original name, which includes the entire path. It might look like this:. You don't want all that path information, though, because that's the path on the user's computer, not for your server.
You just want the actual file name Sample. You can strip out just the file from a path by using the Path. GetFileName method, like this:. The Path object is a utility that has a number of methods like this that you can use to strip paths, combine paths, and so on. Once you've gotten the name of the uploaded file, you can build a new path for where you want to store the uploaded file in your website.
In this case, you combine Server. You can then call the uploaded file's SaveAs method to actually save the file. In the previous example, you let users upload one file. But you can use the FileUpload helper to upload more than one file at a time. This is handy for scenarios like uploading photos, where uploading one file at a time is tedious. This example shows how to let users upload two at a time, although you can use the same technique to upload more than that. In this example, the FileUpload helper in the body of the page is configured to let users upload two files by default.
Because allowMoreFilesToBeAdded is set to true , the helper renders a link that lets user add more upload boxes:. To process the files that the user uploads, the code uses the same basic technique that you used in the previous example — get a file from Request. Files and then save it. Including the various things you need to do to get the right file name and path. The innovation this time is that the user might be uploading multiple files and you don't know many. To find out, you can get Request.
With this number in hand, you can loop through Request. Files , fetch each file in turn, and save it. When you want to loop a known number of times through a collection, you can use a for loop, like this:. The variable i is just a temporary counter that will go from zero to whatever upper limit you set.
In this case, the upper limit is the number of files. But because the counter starts at zero, as is typical for counting scenarios in ASP. NET, the upper limit is actually one less than the file count.
If three files are uploaded, the count is zero to 2. The uploadedCount variable totals all the files that are successfully uploaded and saved.