Windows vista home basic with sp1
Overall Review: i actually only got this cause it was the cheapest OS on the egg, so i could install it, then just get W7.
Pros: works well in my Dell Inspiron laptop. I like the x64 environment. I will not go back to the 32 bit anytime soon. I am way too spoiled on this version of windows vista home basic x Its reliable, plus it supports large amounts of ram.
Cons: No aero support, windows flip not included, fancy things in ultimate missing. Oh by the way, you will have to load your own codecs that you will be needing to watch movies and etc. This is the only downside I can think of. Overall Review: Never have any problems with this system. Its highly recommended if you need a budget system. My laptop setup is, Dell Inspiron , with T core 2 duo, mb 4 gb of ram, and a small gb hard drive.
With a standard dvd burner. Loaded with Vista basic x64, oxygen office, infera burner x64, eraser x64, perfect disk x64, and most of all webroot spysweeper security essentials. Never have any problems with this system.
Otherwise this version is good enough for what I need it to do. From all the reviews this was the scariest purchase I've ever made. But It runs Just fine on my set up. It loads very fast and It Pretty stable from what I've seen. But I knew that ahead of time so I prepared for it! Not enough to take an egg for it. Overall Review: Do some research don't by this OS expecting to put it on an old computer and have it run stable.
This OS is for 64bit. It also is for the 64bit world. Not for the old 32bit world. Even the 32bit version of this OS should be run on a higher class 64 bit system. Things change in the computer world very fast. You can't expect everything to stay slow and for old computers for ever! You can also use this feature to quickly get isso preview of any ongoing activity just to check their progress and get back to what you oso doing before. With Windows Vista, they also introduced another way of switching through open programs.
With the new windows sidebar, you now have access to a lot of useful features on your desktop. With the release of Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7 was also introduced. The new explorer made internet surfing even more enjoyable. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Resident Evil 4. Need for Speed: Underground 2. DamonPS2 Pro. Langkah-langkah: Download semua bahan diatas kemudian simpan di memory internal supaya gampang dan sama dengan tutorial ini.
The overall performance of the explorer has also been improved. Windows Vista is also packed with the new DirectX 10 that happens to be a great improvement in terms of gaming or other graphical processing.
Microsoft added another great feature to Windows Vista which is winvows Windows Defender. The new Windows Defender helps protect your computer against any malicious attack. The good thing about this program is that it receives constant updates and is totally free.
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