Windows properties and methods in javascript
Method : openDoor; Action : to change the value of the door property to "open". Creating an example: I understand this in theory but I can't come up with an example. Here house is the object. It has a property: house. Here, it is more like an adjective. Either the door is open true or closed false. As it sounds, it describes a property of the house. Also, it has a method openDoor which is used like this: house. That's something that it can do. In this case, the action openDoor affects the isDoorOpen property, making it true.
NOTE Depending upon the form of the property the value may be represented either directly as a data value a primitive value, an object, or a function object or indirectly by a pair of accessor functions. NOTE When a function is called as a method of an object, the object is passed to the function as its this value. Some object-oriented languages, such as Java, don't support properties, and require the programmer to define a pair of accessor and mutator methods instead. Object in JavaScript is just key-value pairs stored in a Hash.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use , cookie and privacy policy. Copyright by Refsnes Data. All Rights Reserved. W3Schools is Powered by W3. What is BOM? BOM refers to the browser object model in JavaScript.
BOM is used on the Windows screen and communicates with the browser. Modern browsers have implemented the same methods and properties for JavaScript interactions, often referred to as BOM's methods and properties. A window object is automatically created by the browser. All the global JavaScript objects are members of the window object. The window object has some methods and properties, Methods in windows objects Methods Description Alert It displays the popup messages with the ok button.
Confirm It displays the message on the alert box with the OK and cancel button. Prompt It gets input from the user to display a text message in the dialog box. Open Opens the current window. Close Closes the current window. Properties in windows objects Property Descriptions innerHeight It returns the height of the browser window. Example of windows object methods We can see the example for all methods, one by one I will explain them. Suppose you have a property called empty.
You can use vacuum wherever you want, both to say that the stomach of the cat is empty, and to say that your dining room is empty. Note that the computer keyboard and bicycle wheels are not just properties; but also objects, which in turn can have properties. So objects can have subobjects. JavaScript objects also have methods: click for buttons, open for windows, and text can be selected using the selected method.
The parentheses indicate that we are referring to a method, and not to a property. Tip may be useful to think of objects and properties as names, and methods as verbs. The first are things, and the second, actions that those things can do, or that can be done to them. You can put the objects, properties and methods together to get a better description of an object, or to describe a process.
Delgado, Hugo. Objects, Properties and Methods in JavaScript. The article has been copied to clipboard! Netscape invented JavaScript to make any Web page dynamic and interactive. Because HTML did not have JavaScript considers each of the elements of the tree as objects.