Sondek serial numbers
That being said, one of his friend as an LP12 himself but from an early construction and his doesnt play 45's. I couldn't tell you what upgrades thats had. Nice purchase btw, i've always enjoyed the sound from my dads and would own one myself if i had the money!! StuJM84 , Oct 6, I think that's all it needs if the bearings on the Ittok are still ok.
I'd take it to a Linn dealer for Lingo install and set up up. How's the bounce? These sound best on a light but rigid table on it's own, or a wall shelf. Don't put on top of heavy rack or table. Linto , Oct 6, Location: Evesham, Worcestershire, United Kingdom. The LP12 came with Valhalla so your turntable should have that power supply if it's from The Valhalla is recognisable by the simple black press button start switch which has a small LED inside and lights red?
The post from StuJM84 above mentions the 45rpm facility which is something the Axis had as standard but it's PS was altogether very different. If you press and hold that start switch the light goes from red to green which indicates 45rpm.
I'm not aware myself of an LP12 fitted with that from the period your turntable comes from. You can change any PS to anything you like. The Origin Live has 45rpm and can even do 78rpm with a little adjustment. It's a fraction of the cost of the Linn and is better. This might not be a popular opinion but it's your money and I know if I still had a Linn where I'd be putting mine!
The Origin Live gear is better than Linn now anyway. Good luck and enjoy it. SteveM , Oct 6, Location: Toronto, Canada. Location: Victoria, B. McLover , chimbot and eddiel like this. Location: Ontario Canada.
The valhalla power supply will be in need of a recap unless it's already been done. It's not overly expensive to do but make sure a qualified person preferably a linn dealer does it. Enjoy your table. Location: Glos, UK. Change to black oil. Suspension springs improved. Valhalla surge guard modification. Location: UK. Randoms , Oct 8, Location: Northeast. John , Oct 8, I would try the Lingo, a used original one is all you need. When I got my Linn Valhalla I swapped my cartridge from my Systemdek IIX and noticed that while clearer, quieter, and more open sounding the Linn was a bit lightweight sounding by comparison.
I added the Lingo and the bottom register extended dramatically and developed a sense of weight and authority, dynamics improved, noise-floor dropped, timing improved, imaging got better, etc. Linn LP12 History and Upgrade path. Posted May 3rd, The following information was compiled from an official Linn customer services document.
Opinions On Capaciitors. Top Plate with additional stud which improves the coupling of the top plate to the Plinth and secures the motor corner.
LP12 mechanics only, LP12 sold as a mechanical assembly only. Three power supply options available: Lingo, Valhalla and Basik. Trampolin kit, suspended base board available as an upgrade, solid base board replacing hardboard base. Lingo direct coupled power supply for the LP12, offers low noise oscillators, precision filtering, separate drive for both phases and electrical isolation from mains supply. Grommets composition changed to a new harder, denser rubber.
Improves performance of suspension. Motor thrust pad, motor thrust pad replaced with stainless steel ball bearing. Reduces motor noise. Armboard material changed to MDF core, laminated top and underside. Increases rigidity of armboard, creating improved platform for tonearm. Bearing housing, improved bearing liner material and thrust pad specification. Bearing liner machined to tighter tolerances, thus creating better speed stability.
Changed to black oil. Tightened grinding tolerance. Sub-chassis, added strengthening bar, spot welded in place.
Increases rigidity and strength. Superior bond; increases rigidity. Valhalla power supply, electronic speed control with a sophisticated crystal controlled power supply.
Isolates the rotation of the turntable motor from variations in the electrical supply. Nirvana kit Improved material specification of many integral mechanical components.