Silent hunter 4 will not install
I searched this august forum for information about installing Silent Hunter IV on Windows 10, but I did not find anything. If there is, I apologize and please point me to the right place. Now for my problem, I upgraded my computer from Windows 7 to Windows Silent Hunter had installed without any problem on Windows 7.
But when I tried to run Silent Hunter 4, nothing happened. Nothing was showing in the Task Bar. The strange part is there were no disk activity. So I uninstalled Silent Hunter 4 and re-installed and tried again. This time I made sure that the compatibility setting is changed to Vista. Same thing happened. Tried it again with Windows XP service pack 3, ditto. I found on this forum that I needed to delete registry keys pertaining to Silent Hunter 4, as well as delete the file in the document folder.
I did so and re-installed it again. This time an updating Silent Hunter 4 came up, but the same thing happened, running in background with nothing in the Task Bar. Now they say that a good definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again getting the same results and I am close to that mark. The reason is I have Silent Hunter 3 on the same computer and it runs without a hitch.
Here is probably where my knowledge of computers come in. I suspect that Windows 10 changed the way video files are run. The reason I believe this is Silent Hunter 3 had been modded such as the introduction video is not enabled. If somebody knows what to do, please share. Reply Share this post. It's not important where to install the game, it should work from any of disk's place. Fixed my problem by installing directx 9c, it's ridiculous but this is microsoft fault and their windows Ubisoft support said that my PC spec does not corresponding to the minimum requirements of SH4 great support!
As you get closer, you'll drop beneath the waves, switch to the periscopes, slow the engine to a silent-running crawl and try to get a beam of the enemy to identify it "Then you'll wait and wait, and after an average of three days of hunting, you'll get a couple of violent minutes as your torpedoes strike the ship at the waterline. It's a wonderful mechanic, asking you to display tactical nous and massive amounts of patience in return for a blast of excitement.
Once you run out of ammo, or your ship's damaged your ship is horrifyingly fragile , or you complete your mission, you'll be sent back to base to restock. There, you can spend your renown based on the tonnage you've sunk on recruiting better crews, upgrading your sub's armament or even buying a new sub.
Then it's back out into the seas, to send more innocents to Davy Jones' Locker. There's a historical mission mode included now too, which allows you to take part in 15 classic battles, plus wolfpack co-op and versus modes have also returned. There are flaws though: the game really shouldn't have made it past Ubisoft's QA with its stability issues and annoying bugs, it auto-slows when ships or planes are detected, the crew look like extras from a vampire film and it's not always clear how to do things.
That said, if you're looking for a challenge and you fancy a rotting tub full of seamen, then this is das best aboot. I would try to dissable the steam overlay or goto the game directory and set a compatability mod to the OS supported. Win10 is not that old game friendly, Then again most vista platforms are not anyway. But, I have seen more complaints and so loud and clear about Win10 that it makes me def to those who praise it.
Check the subsim fourms to see if they have a fix there. All the silent hunter games live there, the web sight is dedacated to it, your answare may be there than here.. Last edited by warcatt00 ; 16 Nov, pm. I got the same problem, how do i go back to an older version of windows?? Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 31 Aug, am.
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