Rosicrucian wisdom pdf

Through research and comparison with literature of the time, the name Balinus could be determined as the Arabic form of Apollonius of Tyana. He influenced the political fate of Rome and thus that of Christianity, and for the last part of his life he lived with John the Evangelist, who was of approximately the same age, on the Isle of Patmos. Whether there had been exchanges between the two sages, is not historically confirmed.

The several translations do not differ materially. However, the sequence of the particular sentences and the statements therein evoke the impression that they do not represent the entire text.

It is true without lie, it is certain in the truest! That which is below is equal to that which is above. And what is above is equal to what is below to realize the miracle of the unique thing. As all things are created by the One and His plan, so are all things originating from the One, by adaptation. Its father is the sun, its mother is the moon. The wind has born it in its belly.

Its nurturer is the earth. It is the father of all perfection of all the world and all its virtue is perfect. When it is changed into earth, all its power is gathered together. Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, step by step and with great understanding. It rises to heaven from the earth and down again to the earth and thereby receives the power of the upper and the lower. Thus you gain the glory of all the world. Above, all ignorance will leave you.

The unique is of all the strengths the strongest strength. It defeats all subtle things and permeates all solids. In this way, the cosmic was created. This is from whence stem all the magnificent emulations, the way of which is described herein. What I have said of the workings of the sun is complete and perfect. In in a different book, the Aureum Vellus3, an emblem was printed along with the accompanying, explanatory text.

The interpretation of the emblem by the text is marked by strongly alchemical methods of expression. The emblem originally appears without coloration. Then, over time it takes on different colored characteristics and finally, in is integrated into the here represented as the antique text of the Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis and into the book of the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians figure 1.

Though the Rosicrucians used the symbolic language of the alchemists, they did so, not seeking to turn base metals into gold. Rather, they sought to broaden the human consciousness to, responsibly, participate in the evolution of culture.

Yet it is striking, how the different symbolic images of the alchemists, from the metamorphoses of the elements to the imaginative experience contained therein, relate to the evolution of the human soul and that of the earth.

Thus, the upper left quarter shows the sun gold-yellow , the planet Mars red , and Saturn gray-black. The right quarter shows the moon blue-crescent silver-white and the planets Venus green , and Jupiter blue.

When we look separately at the left side, because of the missing Venus and Jupiter, Saturn because of the constriction and Mars of the ego stand for the heightened experience and understanding of the world through the intellect.

Viewed in this way, the masculine and feminine qualities face each other in their one- sided-ness as dragon and snake. The harmonization of the polar soul-life Figure 2 shows the each-other devouring dragon and snake as the first level of polarity. Dragon and snake stand for the two polar principles of our consciousness. Emotions that emerge from unclear thoughts, and thoughts that emerge from emotions create a constantly self- consuming and out of itself, newly born reality of unreality, which determine our life in its progression.

The background of the image is sparse but the unfolding flower points at further-evolving possibilities outside of this circle-bound movement. In its purity, the flower stands for an inner attitude, in which the one-sided aspects are not denied but, through the respective inclusion of the opposite poles, are harmonized.

This power that binds the ego increasingly to the head, and thus permits the world 2 mainly to be experienced through the intellect, can therefore be changed into a positive quality of conscious concentration, of attentiveness.

The power of this lack of structure, which leaves the soul to the emotions without limitation, we may therefore turn into conscious, loving devotion. This will be of important significance on the further path of spirituality.

His father is the sun, his mother is the moon. The 3 wind carried him in his belly. These images contain no poetic analogies but real inner experiences. Thereby Hermes harmonizes the polarities of male and female and becomes the androgynous messenger of heaven, who acts on the vertical plane of up and down, of heaven and earth, as the 4 mediator. Such a being we see depicted in figure 4. However, the heads of the man and woman still show a duality, which points to the still existing, yet now no longer exclusive but complementing polarity of the newly reached plane of consciousness beyond the sensual.

This symbol of the purified self, the new being, is where the eagle carries it. In the emblem of the Emerald Tablet, this state of consciousness, the intuitive experience of the equivalence of micro- and macrocosm is represented by a circle in the center of the image. The lower half of the Emerald Tablet - the return to earth The lower half of the emblem is marked by the three shields, which are connected to one another, as well as to the middle ring, by a golden chain.

On the left side, the shield shows a double eagle colored red on a white background on one side and colored white on a red background on the other.

On the right, we see a green lion on a yellow background. Below in the image the trinity is concluded with a seven- pointed star, which in its rays represents the seven planets. To the sides of the star are shown cosmos and earth. They signify that on this plane of evolution, cosmic as well secular powers have to fertilize each other to further the evolution in time. In the picture of the earth, the land is shown brown and the oceans are shown blue.

The cosmos symbolizes the blue level of consciousness of the Sophia, the fixed star contained in this sphere and the polar qualities of sun and moon. The meaning of the imperial orb, red with a yellow ring and topped with a yellow cross, that sits on the seven-pointed star, will become apparent through the further contemplation of the three shields.

Let us continue with the further interpretation of the emblem with a look at the double eagle. It lifts it to heaven and into the sphere of the cosmic Sophia. As we have determined with the representation of the androgynous being, the consciousness for which it stands, though it is to be found beyond the sensual polarity, remains polar but corresponding to itself and not, as on the sensual plane, in a self exclusive way.

The qualities of male and female remain intact. This remaining polarity in the sphere of Sophia is what the double eagle points to. Although the consciousness, symbolized by the circle, is a self-contained unity, it shows itself in its passive-female moon-silver-devotion and male-active aspect Mars-red- self. Thus the white eagle expresses the quality of the moon and the red eagle that of the sun in its self-quality on the level of Sophia.

Their backgrounds represent the opposite colors, which points to the inseparable connection of the two qualities. One pole comes out of the other and in turn bears the first in its great revelation.

From the Rosicrucian standpoint, however, there is a danger in the state of consciousness that is symbolized by the double eagle. The meaning of the title of the picture is: The primary work Ergon and the secondary work Parergon.

As is apparent from the picture, the individual, the inner development of humanity is understood by the Rosicrucians as the secondary work. Understood on a deeper level, the object is to master the starry sphere, to which has been attached the metal silver and the moon sphere. According to the understanding of the Rosicrucians, when the sun is depicted by itself in its spiritual aspect, it represents the Christ.

From Jesse, the father of King David of Israel, grows the root of the family tree of Christ, the spiritual sun. So, through figure 5, we are led to a significant moment within the Rosicrucian initiation. The unique is of all the strengths the strongest strength because it defeats all subtle things and penetrates all solids. The green lion, the uniting with the suns, the Christ powers The second shield coming out of the circle is a green lion on a yellow background.

It carries the quality of the sun in the seekers that they have internalized from the sphere of Sophia as a seed, which is the path, the truth and the goal for them. This is expressed in the yellow background. Attracted as a young man by the manifestos, he wrote the customary letter requesting Saying that the spiritual stream of Rosicrucianism had first entered the world in , Christian Rosenkreutz also Christian Rosenkreutz's threefold criteria for the exoteric unveiling of Rosicrucian wisdom is astonishing for its At the time when Rosicrucian wisdom was intended to flow gradually into the general life of culture , it happened , in a manner of which I need not speak further The Rosicrucian is not Disorderly.

He always strives to do his duty, and to act according to the order established by the law. He cares nothing for externalities, nor for ceremonies. The law is written within his heart, and therefore But if we go back from Goethe to the medieval Faust, in whom Rosicrucian wisdom was living; if we listen in on this medieval Faust, this listening teaches us that Faust also wanted to conjure up the spirit. And who was it he wanted to In summary we can say : In the karma research of the year Rudolf Steiner gathered his insights out of both streams This lavishly illustrated work, published on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the Rosicrucian Manifestoes in , focusses on an extraordinary range of images which appeared in Germany in the early 17th century.

Rosicrucians are none other than those who continued the Order of the Templars; they wantednothing other than whattheKnightsTemplar and also what Theosophy intends: all are working on the great Temple of


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