Powerlifting guide pdf
For the past 9 years, TheBodybuildingBlog has provided online readers and fitness enthusiasts with a plethora of scientifically backed articles to help them build muscle, lose fat or get in shape and be healthy. We pride ourselves on using our years of experience and research in the field of health and fitness to help others reach their fitness goals.
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John Gregory I am a 26 year old fitness enthusiast who has spent the last 9 years studying, learning and experiencing of the world of fitness. Muscle Building. Rayan Alsabih May 14, at pm. I am really pleased to be come across this website. David Gene September 8, at pm. EBK June 26, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Instagram Twitter Facebook-f Pinterest. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. Exercise 3: Lat Pushdowns Isolated Video.
Exercise 5: Preacher Curls Isolated Video. Exercise 6: Hammer Curls Isolated Video. Exercise 2: Chest Dips Mass Video. Exercise 6: Shoulder Press Mass Video. Exercise 1: Squats Mass Video. Exercise 2: Dumbbell Lunges Mass Video. Exercise 3: Leg Curls Isolated Video. Exercise 1: Deadlift Mass Video. Exercise 2: Cable Rows Mass Video. Exercise 3: Pull-ups Burn out Video.
Exercise 6: Spider Curls Isolated Video. Exercise 3: Skull Crushers Mass Video. Exercise 5: Lateral Raises Isolated Video. Deadlift See Table. Dumbbell Rows 4 x Lat Pull-Downs 5 x Hammer Curls 3 x It is best to do this on days when you do lighter deadlifts.
Military Press 5 x 5. Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x Push-Ups or Dips 3 x Failure. Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 x Reverse Flyes 3 x Lateral Raises 3 x Side Bends 3 x Weighted Crunches 5 x See examples HERE. Let us know if you liked this week advanced powerlifting program!
I followed the last half of this program to get ready for my first full power lifting meet, and not only was it easy to adapt to, but it was incredibly effective and I was also able to get most of it done in my small home gym.
When you lift, you create microscopic tears in your muscles, sometimes making you feel sore. This is a normal process and is what makes your muscles grow. Protein is essential for this process. Protein provides amino acids. These are protein building blocks. Some muscle tearing and soreness is good but too much can lead to negative consequences. Precision Nutrition explains that eating any source of protein before a workout will help. Just make sure you have enough time to prevent a stomach ache.
For instance, aim for something like yogurt or lean chicken instead of a quarter pounder from Macdonalds. However, a review by the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggested that protein sources are best consumed every hours across the day. Having some pre-sleep casein grams , found in milk , may further increase muscle protein synthesis. The International Society of Sports Nutrition also completed a review on current sports nutrition research. It found that for building and maintaining muscle mass, the overall daily protein intake should range from 1.
For example, if you weigh lbs 90kgs , then you should aim for about g — g of protein per day. There is novel evidence that suggests higher protein intakes of greater than 3. It may help promote fat loss. But this has not been thoroughly researched. Here is a list of protein sources that you can add to your grocery list:.
Just like the other macronutrients, fat is essential to a healthy diet. Fats can help you feel satisfied after a meal and contribute to muscle gains. They can also help you absorb nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and K. Body fat is the extra stores on your body. It serves to insulate, produce hormones, and even brain function. It can serve as a cushion for your vital organs. A common misconception is that dietary fat makes you fat.
Dietary fat can be classified as saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats used to be thought of as very unhealthy, but a handful of recent reports have pushed back on this hypothesis.
Harvard University shared a meta-analysis that concluded there is not enough evidence to show that saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease, but that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fat may reduce the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats are the more healthy ones. They come in forms including monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, contribute to heart health, and benefit the brain.
These are found in oils, nuts, and fish, and seeds. Trans fats are the ones you should avoid. The American Heart Association states that eating them will increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. These are found in fried foods, fast-food, coffee creamer , packaged crackers, cookies, and cakes.
That means that you should eat g of fat per day calories divided by 9. Here is a list of fat sources that you can add to your grocery list:. Saturated fat better sources :. Animal fats. Unsaturated fat:. Caffeine is a compound found in plants such as coffee, tea, and cocoa. When it reaches your brain it increases alertness. It can also help increase performance during powerlifting training. A comprehensive scientific review noted that caffeine ingestion may enhance strength in the squat and bench press.
Optimal doses are likely to be 2 to 6 mg per kilogram body weight. Another study found that caffeine improved exercise performance by Meaning that you have that extra push to get you through a tough workout. Aim to take caffeine about 60 minutes pre-exercise, depending on how it affects your stomach. For quick caffeine sources such as gum, aim to take it about 5 to 10 minutes before the start of exercise. This is because if you have it to frequently, your body can develop a tolerance to it therefore you may not see as many benefits when you take it and train.
Aim to get natural sources of caffeine whenever possible. Keep in mind that not everybody responds well to caffeine. Try your best to avoid stimulants at least six hours before bedtime to prevent your deep sleep from being impacted. If you recognize negative symptoms such as anxiety, shakes, irritability, caffeine may not be the right option for you. These amino acids include leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
BCAAs can help you improve your athletic performance, prevent fatigue, and reduce muscle mass breakdown. They can be helpful for both increasing muscle size as well as maintaining muscle mass. In terms of preventing or decreasing soreness, the science is inconclusive. Previous research has shown that BCAAs can potentially reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.
One study compared the effect of BCAAs plus carbohydrate, versus carbohydrate-only sports drinks after an intense workout. Similar levels of perceived soreness and associated markers were found for both groups. Creatine Monohydrate. It might not sound like much volume, but because powerlifting workouts emphasize big, compound movements that challenge both your musculature and your central nervous system, a three-day-a-week program will pave the way for fast novice strength gains without over-taxing your system.
Your deadlift starting point will extend from your squat benchmark. That should give you enough time to push progress. From there, increase the weight each set by 5—25 lbs. Your goal is to ultimately arrive at a weight that you can lift for 8 reps, and confidently lift at least 3 more times if you needed to. How to Deadlift. How to Bench Press. How to Do a Barbell Squat.
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