Java program temperature conversion
Print Fahrenheit. In the above program, we have first declared and initialized a set variables required in the program. After that with the help of formula we will convert the value in to Fahrenheit. As you can see in our program, we first take value in Celsius from user as input. Then convert the value of Celsius into Fahrenheit using above conversion equation and print the Temperature in Fahrenheit.
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Both Celsius and Fahrenheit are scales of temperature. It is often required to convert one unit to another. Formula to converting Fahrenheit to Celsius- We will be using this formula to make our java program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa using methods.
In line 4, we define the convert method. When called, first we create an Object of Scanner class to accept console-based user input. You can choose your own name. Notice carefully in the Output: A warning is being displayed beside the Scanner object declaration statement!. This says that the Scanner object is not closed. Then we use the formulae to convert it to Fahrenheit.